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Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Power of Ivy-to Cling and Blind

The Power of Ivy-to Cling and Blind
The Ivy
The power of the Ivy lies in its ability To cling and blind, making it a potent symbol of determination and strength to The Druids . Ivy has been known to strangle trees and was once a portent of Death and spiritual growth. Being evergreen in nature. The Ivy represented the Perennial in aspects of the human psyche. The Celts associated Ivy with Lunar Goddess, Arianrhod and their ritual to this deity marked the opening of The portal to the Other World...or the Dark Side of the Moon.

This door symbolized an entrance to the Realm of Fairy and thus, the Ivy were representative of the mysterious and the Mystical. Ivy was once carried by women for good luck and used to aid in Fertility. When used correctly, it was said to heal headaches, muscle cramps And assist in the art of prophecy. Ivy was symbolic of the journey of the soul And the spiral toward the self. It encouraged assistance to others in Their search so that they, in turn, might offer assistance. Considered to be Powerful indeed by the Celts because of its ability to kill even the mightiest The oak, the Ivy has a tendency to create dense, impenetrable thickets in the Forest. It was regarded to be much more powerful than the Vine and rougher Sinister in nature.
Ivy can grow, spread and flourish under Many conditions...cultivated land and wasteland...light or near Darkness...fertile soil or upon rubble and stones.

It will push its way through tiny cracks And crevices to reach the light and is strong and difficult to destroy. Since Ancient times, the Vine has been regarded as enemies. If the Vine, through Intoxication, released prophetic powers, then the Ivy, in contrast, was a mean of communication with inner resources, bestowing upon an individual the ability to see through the eyes of the soul and beyond the everyday world.
The ancients held the Ivy in high Esteem. Its leaves formed the poet's crown as well as the wreths of Bacchus (Roman God of Wine), to whom the plant was dedicated...possibly because it was Once believed that to blind the brow with Ivy leaves prevented intoxication.
Not botanically considered to be a tree But rather a form of the Vine, the Ivy must depend upon a host for support. The The plant is an evergreen and bears leaves which are dark green and somewhat waxy in Texture. It can grow to be 100 feet long in Beech woods and around human Habitations, where it is widely planted as ground cover. The Ivy has thinned Tendrils that attach themselves to surfaces and are strong enough to penetrate Bricks and plaster. Its greenish flowers appear on short, vertical, shrubby Branches. A member of the Ginseng family, The Ivy can grow in such profusion Upon its host that the host tree smothers and dies.
The berries of the Ivy can be used for Medicinal purposes, but are poisonous if taken in large quantities powder made From the dried leaves and berries can be used to clear a stuffy head and was Once believed to be a curative for a hangover. Roman agriculturists once Recommended Ivy leaves as cattle food, but they are not relished by Cows...although Sheep and Deer will sometimes eat them during the Winter. The Broad evergreen leaves of this plant afford shelter to Birds during the cold Months and many species choose to build their nests in Ivy, preferring it to Other shrubs. Ivy is extremely hardy and can live to be a great age. Its one~time medicinal virtues are not very highly regarded today, but it is much Valued in the modern world as an ornamental covering for unsightly buildings. Ivy Is said to be the only plant which will not make walls damp.
There are two distinct types of Ivy Individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new Moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "Full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks.
The "new moon" Ivy individual Is a rather radical thinker... Something akin to the Rowan individual...but With a more artistic temperament. Such people, however, do have a tendency to Be somewhat indecisive and their success rate has a propensity to swing between Two extremes which will set the pattern of life accordingly. The "full Moon" Ivy individual radiates a successful image all the time, even while Suffering a reverse of fortune.

These people are generous providers, but Can be shrewd when it comes to their financial resources and income. The "Full moon" Ivy individual can also be extremely manipulative and Liable to use any position of power in a ruthless manner. As a result, this The individual often becomes involved in disputes and litigations.
In general, Ivy individuals have great Personal stamina and a wealth of talents that can bring personal honors and Public recognition. Such people are generally colorful characters with a unique A style which is all their own.

Restless by inclination, Ivy people are Nonetheless sociable and good-natured. Cheerful, expansive and magnetic, they To easily win friends and dislike offending others. Although frequently Indecisive, Ivy individuals are far from weak - willed and will tackle Difficult tasks with infectious optimism.

They also possess a sharp intellect Which is matched only by their sense of humor...however, their personal doubts And fears can manifest into strange dreams and personal encounters. Blessed With profound artistic flair, Ivy people tend to be greatly valued as friends.
On the more serious side, Ivy people Have a quiet type of faith and a belief in the natural balance of things. Extremely loyal, they are capable of accepting responsibility for their own Actions. They tend to attract people who have little or no morals and should Keep that in mind when making new friends. Ivy individuals usually make for Poor students...they simply are not "book learners" and garner Knowledge better by way of experience. They also have a propensity to not be Very lucky people. Romantically, the Ivy person is very sensitive but seems to Fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat. When in love, Ivy individuals Lean strongly toward being the "clingy" type, but they make generous And caring parents. It is important that Ivy individuals don't get too caught up In the problems to others they are prone to suffer disappointment and Betrayal.
Physical Goal: To link to Others.
Mental Goal: To recognize that the group unconscious does have an absorb go inward and learn about the self.
Spiritual Goal: To enter into The group mind with joy and assist others in their spiritual journey so that They will, in turn, offer assistance.. To learn that all is intertwined.
Amergin Verse: "I am a Ruthless Boar"
Ogham Association: Gort
Polarity: Masculine
Color: Sky Blue
Class: Chieftain
Letter Character: "G"
Month: September...eleventh month in the Celtic Ogham. September is said To have originated from the word "Septem, "which means "Seven," being the seventh month in the old Roman calendar. It is The first month of Autumn's rule and a time when the Druids celebrated their Festival of Alban Elued... Bidding the Sun God farewell, while thanking him for The harvest.
Alias: "Moon of Buoyancy" and "Moon of Resilience"
Magical Properties: Healing, Protection, Cooperation and Exorcism
Some Famous Ivy People: Hilary Clinton, Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Sigourney Weaver, Oscar Wilde and Kate Winslett
Gemstones: The Ivy gemstone is the semi-precious Opal, also known as the "Queen of Gem of Hope. " A member of the Quartz family with a very High water content, it is a brittle, heat-sensitive, silicon oxide stone which Often shatters or cracks when it is cut or polished. If given as a lucky of Love stone, such shattering was once considered to be a sign of extreme bad Fortune. The flashes of color come from natural silica spheres which create Light interference.

Due to its delicate nature, Opals are Usually worn only as pendants and earrings. The modern name of the gem is Derived from three ancient sources: the Sanskrit upala (which means "too See a color change"). It is unique in the world of jewels, having little The color of its own, yet shining with the radiance of all the other gems. In the Nineteenth Century, the Opal became to be considered a stone of bad Luck...especially if worn by those not born in the month of October. The only An exception to this was the Black Opal, which has always been believed to bring Its owner good fortune. The origin of the unlucky superstition is unknown. Early races credited the Opal with magical qualities and traditionally, the Opal was said to aid its wearer in seeing possibilities. It was believed to Clarify by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions and desires. It Was also thinking to lessen inhibitions and promote spontaneity.
The Opal is an historically treasured Gem and 6,000 year old Opal artifacts have been found in Kenyan caves. However, Most are believed to be approximately 60 million years old (or more) and Generally date back to the Cretaceous period when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The early Greeks believed the Opal bestowed powers of foresight and prophecy Upon its owner while in Arabian folklore, it is said that the stone fell from Heaven in flashes of lightning. To the Romans, it was considered to be a token Of hope and purity.

Legend states that one Roman Emperor Offered to trade one-third of his vast kingdom for a single Opal and that the Roman Senator Nonius chose exile rather than surrender a large Opal to Marc Antony. It has been said that the beauty of the Opal is the combination of the beauty Of all other gems. In the Middle Ages, the Opal was known as the 'Eye stone' Due to a belief that it was beneficial to eyesight and blonde women were known To wear necklaces of Opal in order to protect their hair from losing its color. Some cultures thought the effect of the Opal on sight could render the wearer Invisible.

Needless to say, it was thus a popular Item among thieves. Opals were set in the crown jewels of France and Napoleon Gave Josephine a beautiful example of this stone containing brilliant red Flashes which were called 'The burning of Troy. ' It was a favored gem of Queen Victoria who often gave them as wedding presents. The opal is the Patron stone Of actors and performers.
The flower of the Ivy is the Woody Nightshade, a vine-like plant also known as Bittersweet, Felonwart (meaning 'The Felon's Plant"). Scarlet Berry, Violet Bloom, Mad Dog's Berries, Blue Aversion and Blue Hate. It belongs to the Solanaceae, an immense family of Plants which includes Belladonna, Hensbane, Potato, Totato, Peppers and Tobacco. Its generic name Solanum is derived from solar which means " I Ease. "

The leaves of the Woody Nightshade bear A certain resemblance to those of the Belladonna, being purple... But it's Berries are red instead of black (as are those of the Belladonna). This Perennial. Shrubby plant with its woody base is native to Europe and Asia, Being commonly found in almost every English hedgerow. The flowers, usually Bluish - purple in color, bloom all Summer in loose, drooping clusters on short Stalks. The plant was so named by the ancient herbalists in order to Distinguish it from the Deadly Nightshade.

Shepherds once hung Woody Nightshade Around the necks of their flocks as a charm against the "evil eye''. And a A necklace of its berries was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, the Boy -King. Tradition dictated that if placed on the body, Woody Nightshade would Dispel the memories of old loves and former sweethearts. There are few ailments For which Woody Nightshade has not been recommended at one time or another, Including a remedy for rheumatism, fever and inflammatory diseases of every Nature. To a certain degree, its berries have proven to be poisonous to children Both seem to be thoroughly enjoyed by birds with no ill effects.
The celestial body associated with the Ivy is the "Moon Veiling Persephone" or the planet Persephone it Self, which is believed by some astronomers to exist just beyond Pluto. In Greek mythology. Persephone was the wife of Hades, Lord of the UnderWorld.
The Ivy deity is Arianrhod whose name Means "Silver Circle". She is also as the "Star Goddess," "Full Moon Goddess" and "Virgin Goddess of Reincarnation, " Among others. Her palace was called "Caer Arianrhod," otherwise known As the Aurora Borealis. She was Keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars... A symbol Of time and / or karma. This wheel was also known as the "Oar Wheel," A ship which carried the dead warriors to Emania, The Moon Land. Arianrhod is Sometime depicted as a weaver, linking her to lose the myths of creation and magickal practices. Daughter of the great Welsh Goddess Don, Arianrhod is said To be useful in helping females find their own feminine power.
A second deity associated with the Ivy Is Rhiannon, the "Great Queen" who was the Goddess of Birds and Horses, As well as Enchantments, Fertility and the Underworld. Unjustly accused of Destroying her newborn son (who had been kidnapped by a nameless friend) Rhiannon Is compelled to assume the shape of a Horse until her son is unexpected Returned to her. In her role as a Death Goddess, Rhiannon would sing sweetly Enough to lure all those within hearing to their doom. Another legend suggests That Rhiannon was the mistress of three marvelous Birds whose song could wake The dead and lull the living to sleep. Because of her association with Horses She first appears in myth mounted upon a White horse, Rhiannon is often equated To Epona, the Roman - Gaulish Horse - Goddess.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Black Dragons & Photo's

 The Black Dragon

Black Dragons
I decided to do a post on the Black Dragon, 
 Black Dragon
for a few reasons. One is that the Black Dragon has
always had a bit of mystery to them, another reason is 
it has been on my most popular list since May 6, 2013 with a
179 views and counting. There have been only two comments,
But it is amazing to me that out of all my posts how this
Magick dragon has stayed strong all these months. The only other post that
has come close to the Black dragon is the Ice Dragons with 60 views
And no comments.
This is why I decided to do a post on the beauty of the art of the
Black Dragons-
The images that you will see below are different interpretations of the Media art
of the Black Dragon- All are in the form of paintings, photography photo-shop,
Digital paintings and other media. Many are from Talented Artist.
 Black Dragon
I thank you to all the talented Artist who have created all these amazing pieces of 
Art. Showing the Grand Black Dragon in a powerful way as he should 
Black dragons
Black Dragons 
Black Dragon 
 Black Dragon
Black Dragon
Black Dragons

The Black Dragon 
 Black Dragons

Black Dragon
 Black Dragon 
The Black Dragons 

 Death Black Dragon 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Persephone Goddess of Spring

Persephone Goddess of Spring-
Persephone, was a Greek Goddess known in her time as Kore, as a child which meant 'young maiden'.
She was the child only of the union of the Demeter Goddess of the bountiful harvest & Zeus the Mighty King of the Olympians.
The Greek goddess Persephone was born when the Demeter Goddess was Zeus's consort, long before his marriage to the Great Goddess Hera.
By all accounts the goddess Persephone had an idyllic childhood, raised by her nurturing mother the goddess Demeter of bountiful harvest and playing with her father's (Zeus) daughters the Greek goddesses Athena and Aphrodite.
She was always a cheerful and non-compliant child. Persephone was a parents dream-
According to the Greek Mythology.
But Persephone life was going to soon change very suddenly and harshly.
As signs of an womanly beauty began to shine through the youthful looks of Persephone, her

innocence, adolescent was slowly slipping away.
And the Goddess Persephone unwittingly attracted the attention of the Greek God Hades,
of Zeus Brother and Ruler of the Underworld.
One could hardly blame Hades, because the Underworld in Greek Mythology was the realm of the sleeping and the Dead.
It probably needed some "Brightening Up."
Hades option was that of the young goddess Persephone who's radiance would assuredly liven up his deathly, dank and dreary home in Hades option.
Picking Flowers 
The God Hades, however did not bother to woo the young Persephone Goddess in the traditional way of Greek Courting into marriage. He decided to just go to the source and by asking for and receiving her fathers approval for Persephone hand in Marriage.
Then Hades simply abducted the beautiful Persephone on one bright sunny day when she had stopped to
pick a basket of narcissus from a field of wildflowers very near her home.
Hades snatching Persephone from Earth
While picking the narcissus flowers in the area of the field the earth suddenly opened wide and Hades suddenly reached out his hand and snatched the beautiful Goddess Persephone away from the meadow and her her home that was only a few yards away. Her screams were heard miles away even from her own home. He took her down into his underworld Kingdom, closing the earth and making her his Queen of the Underworld.
Although the young Goddess Persephone grew to love Hades, she remained loney for her mother and her life on earth.
Now her mother, the Goddess Demeter of the bountiful harvest of the earth, had heard
Persephone's loud screams in the meadow that day when Hades had grabbed her daughter near their home. From that day she began an intensive search for her only daughter, and  was consumed with grief ans sorrow.
The Goddess Demeter then demonstrated her outrage to Zeus by with holding her blessing as the Goddess of bountiful harvest of the earth, until Persephone was returned to her.
So until the time Persephone was returned to her, the Goddess Demeter would created first great floods, droughts and then the earth would lay barren of any food. Mankind was facing a major famine.
So Zeus finally relented to his ex demands, and sent the God Hermes to bring the young Goddess
Persephone back to her mother the Goddess Demeter so that the earth would be full of bountiful harvest once again.
But as the Legend and Myth of Persephone there are many different versions of this tale.
This is just one of many. I found that In most of the lend of the Goddess of Persephone it is of these
version. But as you the reader you can of course choose your own thoughts on which way this beautiful goddess would decide in those Greek times.
Back to the legend of Persephone....
So Once in the Kingdom of Hades and being Queen for a time, Persephone had grown rather fond of the God Hades and rather enjoyed her role as Queen even if it was the Queen of the Underworld. Yet there was a part of her that did miss her mother horribly.
So While preparing to returned to earth with Hermes Persephone accepted a Pomegranate offered by Hades.
Persephone knew full well that anyone who eats while in the Underworld would not be allowed to return, even an Goddess.
She decided to go ahead and ate seven of the seeds her choice. This of course would prevent her from ever being fully restored with her mother the Goddess the Demeter, But did open up the possibility of a

So Hermes was able to negotiate an agreement on her behalf  between
Hades and another God, 
who is usually rather cold-nature Zeus,  And the self centered Demeter Goddess. Which wasn't the easiest thing to do. But alot of Gods seemed to do a great many things for the beauty Persephone...
Anyway, what the God Hermes was able to do for the beauty Persephone goddess was this:
She would be allowed to stay with her husband and King Hades in the Underworld for four months of the year [ the winter] and would return to earth to her mother the remaining months of the year as
Persephone Goddess of Spring...
As the Springs ends each year, the Goddess Persephone is joined again with her husband in the Underworld as Queen. Greek Mythology tell us that the Goddess Demeter of bountiful harvest would begin her grieve and bring on the cold barren winter, until a few months later when her daughter Persephone returns and brings with her Spring.
The Goddess Persephone is associated with the awaking of the threat of spring and will return and its
verdantly grows in her wake. Thus were the seasons were established-

The Goddess of Persephone did not sloughed off any of her responsibilities as Queen of the Underworld.
Having made the decision to consume the 7 seeds of the pomegranate that Hades offered her, while in the underworld, just before she was to leave. This showed that she wanted to stay in the underworld with her King and husband the God of Hades.

While in the Underworld Persephone has manged to somehow always be there when others come
to be
received into the underworld. To serve as their hostess and guide and help new faces, ease into the Underworld with a beautiful kindly face, so that their first coming into the Underworld isn't so bad.
The Greek Goddess Persephone represents both the youthful, innocent and a joyous maiden. Also the  aspects of a womanly self, who has lost their innocence, family attachment but can begin to decide for herself her own decisions on what she feels is best for her own womanly self as being a goddess, Queen,
wife, daughter, ruler of a kingdom, finding her own womanhood, finding her own power as an Queen, and ruler of the underworld, and the joys of being reunited to earths spring bountiful harvest.
I found Persephone to be a interesting goddess.
She has so many different aspects to her personality.
I choose this one because it show her choosing her own path and making all the different paths and different roles that she has work in my opinion..
I hope that you all find this to be a interesting read.

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